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Hi! This is coffeebreakphiIippines. This site is officially organized on July 06, 2024 with an initial purpose of being a personal blog.  However, I realized that it is also a great opportunity to share my technical knowledge in accounting and legal services with Philippine set up because it is aligned to my profession as a CPA Lawyer. That is why in addition to being a daily journal, I will also share my insights that could somehow help accounting and tax practitioners in the Philippines.

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My Story

I am a proud mother of three amazing children. Life is so simple and I love it that way until one day, I was diagnosed of breast cancer and everything becomes uncertain. I start journalizing when I was 11 years old and have been doing it for 30 years already. Now I decided to transform online as I want to voice out my story to a greater number of online users, and while at the same time sharing what I love to do - to educate and be of service with my co-accounting and tax practitioners. I hope we will both learn from each other as I share my story. I hope we can spend time together during your coffee break. Thank you for dropping by.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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